Sudoku Solver using Recursion

Faster than you

Sudoku Solver was a program that I designed in my second semester of programming. In my ICS 211 class I became more familiar with the concept of recursion and algorithms. This project really solidified my understanding of recursive programming and allowed me to put it into practice. The program is as it sounds. It takes a sudoku puzzle of any difficulty, and uses various methods, some of them being recursive, to find a solution to the puzzle. Testing every possible outcome and filling out as much as possible, then backtracking if necessary is the name of the game for this program.

Recursive thinking

This project was tough to build because of the recursive component. With my limited knowledge of programming and of recursion, it had its challenges but I was able to create a program that solves any sudoku puzzle far faster than any human would be able to! I was the sole member of this project but I learned to use many different resources in order to solve small problems in my code. For example Youtube and StackOverflow were huge helps on my path to completing this project. Upon completion of my Sudoku Solver program, I can confidently say that my understanding of the concept of recursion improved greatly.

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